The perfect Instagram profiles, the envy-inducing photos, the beautiful bodies displayed on every cover and every page…our world is a world of images. These images win followers, convey information, and promote products. There are images that hurt and harm while others edify and encourage. Life without them would be unimaginable. Yet these images never tell the full story…
In today’s culture, it is easy to reduce someone to an image. To see only an attractive face on social media, without considering how those eyes have cried and that mouth has laughed. To consider only the lines on a person’s resume instead of the experiences that have impacted one’s life story. To believe that the profile makes a person, instead of a person making the profile.
Also, I must confess- in my fairytale-addled brain, it’s easy to reduce an individual to a fantasy. But people are not characters from a romantic novel- they are living beings chasing their own dreams. They are more than a checklist of traits. A person is a breathing story with an eternity of chapters. The more I get to know a person, the more I realize there is so much I don’t know.
People are more than an image. You are more than an image- you are worth far more than the amount of likes on your social media account or the number of matches on your dating profile. Your work credentials, attractive photos, even your roles and skills are secondary to your identity that transcends the temporary: you are a child of God.
Life is teaching me that every single person’s perspective matters, because no two people look at life through the same window. We each have a unique perspective to share that can help someone. Listen to someone else’s story. Share yours. Live your life knowing that your voice matters. *originally posted on November 10th, 2019